[teen stories] MY CRUSH SENT ME THIS

Do I have a chance???????????? And he's also handsome to boot

Crush: You kind of remind me of Jang Wonyoung? Even though I don't know celebrities that well, but I saw her on a board in the subway
OP: You're lying -3-
Crush: Ah for real, you guys look alike

post response:
original post: here

1. [+140, -1]
He spun the "Let's get married" pretty well 

2. [+96, -1]
Yah what's this;;; Are you crazy;;;; Date him fast

3. [+72, -0]
Really makes me curious about the back story for this..ㅎㅎ

4. [+33, -1]
Is this real?? Aren't his words crazy? Quick tell him he looks like your future husband 

5. [+22, -0]
I'm so jealous, you have a f*cking handsome crush and you look like Jang Wonyoung.. I'm envious

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