"This is what Hongbin said about Shinee' song when he heard it during his broadbastㅋㅋ...
> Who is throwing in crappy idol music in a band playlist? <
The fans are all saying that this was a misunderstanding and told us to watch the clip directly, is there any misunderstanding here?

(T/n: the tweet is not available anymore. but the video still plays in the original link)

"Some people claimed that he apologized and whatnot, so here's the longer version of the video.
This is what he said right after he made that comment
> Sorry, my selfishness is quite severe <
Do you think that's the attitude of someone who is reflecting... This is the kind of things he spits when he's drinkingㅋㅋ.. He has to take ownership of the stuff he's saying, I hope that when he regains his consciousness in the future, he apologizes seriously ^.^.. "

Even after viewing the longer video, I can't understand fans shielding him

original post: here

1. How can you shield this..?

2. Why do people film themselves when they're drunk??? I can't relate

3. Let's have a 3 months cellphone ban to learn a bit of self-control, or he can also go to the army

4. And why does he speak like that? F*ck ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. People trying to shield that are f*cking severe too..

6. Huh....Isn't he being too obvious?? How can he be an icol? Hongbin never had this kind of image when he's with VIXX, this is just shocking..

7. Wow after watching the longer version makes him look even worse..

8. His expressions were all disgusted... I can't believe he's this ugly, his image was everythin g

9. Isn't VIXX's N and Shinee's Onew doing a musical together right now ?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

10. This is dumbfounding, quit being an idol


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